Welcome back!  I am very excited to begin sharing Chapter 3 with you!

You may notice a few of changes–firstly, the new look of the site itself.  I don’t know about you guys but I was getting a little tired of those bright browns.  Things are a little more streamlined so that you can enjoy the comic without a lot of clutter and distraction.

There is also a links page now, which was there before the comic went on it’s break, but appeared so quietly that you may not have noticed it.  I have a lot of web comics on my list to be read, and I hope to add more to the page as time passes.  All the comics I link in the “recommended reading” section will be no more than PG-13.

Additionally, one fairly common piece of feedback I’ve been receiving is that the phonetic spelling of Laisrén’s Irish accent was more distracting than helpful for imagining how he speaks, so starting with Chapter 3 you will find his dialog much easier to read.  Gradually we’ll change the previous chapters to correspond to this change, but from now on, when you read his words, just imagine your favorite Irish actor saying them.  😉

And lastly, up in the banner you’ll see that the comic now updates on Sundays.  It often ended up updating on Sundays up ’til now, anyway, so I thought I’d better make it official.  And I can still keep my update alliteration “Stray Sod Sunday” which I like but which holds no real practical value.  😀

So, Chapter 3!  Let’s go!